From Vision to Strategies to Actions


School Safety.

Developing and implementing comprehensive safety policies that address various aspects of school safety, including facility security, emergency preparedness, crisis management, security protocols, student supervision, and prevention of bullying, harassment, and violence. The district must own safety, it must provide standard services and resources across the district. With school leader input, Schools should be able to adjust or increase safety capabilities to fit the needs of their staff and students. School safety must be the district's number one priority.

Assessing and improving physical security measures, making sure our safety department is robust, properly funded and properly lead, installing surveillance systems, implementing access control systems, securing entrances and exits with appropriate technological and personnel resources, and conducting regular safety audits to identify vulnerabilities and take appropriate measures to mitigate risks. Facility security must be continuous, it must have buy-in at all levels and it must be assessed for effectiveness. In addition, we must prioritize the hiring of a qualified Director of Safety. Good safety starts with good leadership. 

Providing needed back up support to school staff, including teachers, administrators, and support personnel, to equip them with the necessary resources to respond effectively to safety threats, handle emergencies, and create a safe and supportive learning environment. No more educators conducting pat downs. School leaders must be empowered to make decisions for their staff and students. Teachers are at school to educate, we can’t expect them to cover security for an under-resourced safety program. 

School leaders have to be able to maintain a safe and effective school environment. The current discipline matrix is not working and it must be revised, based on results, events, and educator feedback. When students make mistakes, with proper support, we must give students opportunities to grow, learn, and succeed. DPS students must have access to professional restorative justice sessions that give kids a chance to course correct. We must support our educators in keeping a safe and healthy classroom. Teachers are on the frontlines of education and they deserve our students' respect. Schools must be empowered to support their students and staff in an equitable and fair way that creates a safe school environment. 

Recognizing the importance of mental health in school safety and prioritizing resources and support systems for students' emotional well-being. Creating partnership with community mental health professionals to provide access and increase capacity for student counseling services, identify at-risk students, and promote positive mental health practices. As a board member I want to look at stand alone mental health facilities for our students and staff. Students must feel safe and they should have the capability to obtain district provided mental health support off of campus. We must ensure our mental health supports are robust and effective. 

Collaborating with emergency services agencies and other relevant authorities to establish effective communication channels, conduct joint training exercises, and develop emergency response plans that align with community resources and protocols. We must maintain a strong and healthy working relationship with the first responder and emergency response services by working closely with the City and the Mayor’s office in order to maintain the ability to use the City's resources appropriately. I will work closely with the incoming Mayor to secure additional funding and resources to deliver a stronger safety plan for DPS.

The decision to end the DPD contract and remove SROs was enacted hastily and has had disastrous consequences. We need to conduct regular safety assessments and audits to identify potential risks, evaluate existing safety measures, and implement necessary improvements. This includes reviewing emergency response plans, conducting safety drills, and staying up-to-date with best practices and evolving safety standard.

Actively participating in regional, state, and national networks and organizations focused on school safety to share best practices, learn from others, and stay informed about emerging trends and strategies in school safety.

Regularly evaluating the effectiveness of safety measures and programs, collecting feedback from stakeholders, and utilizing data-driven insights to make informed decisions and continually improve school safety practices.

School safety must be a continuous top priority. In addition to great safety planning and execution we must ensure school safety is properly funded in every budget cycle. Safety can no longer be an afterthought. 


Education Excellence.

Supporting and empowering highly qualified teachers who are dedicated to student success. Providing ongoing professional development opportunities, mentoring programs, and resources to enhance instructional practices and promote innovative teaching methods.

I believe educators should earn a wage that affords them the opportunity to live in the very city they serve. Great education starts with great teachers and staff. We must be able to recruit and retain the best teachers and staff. The cost of living in Denver is high, inflation has gone through the roof. We must make sure we are doing right by our amazing district staff.

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted education worldwide, necessitating remote and hybrid learning models. To improve education quality, a post-COVID needs assessment is crucial. It offers insights into challenges faced by students, teachers, and institutions, highlighting areas requiring attention.

Develop contingency plan and operational procedures to swiftly and seamlessly transition students to different modes of study during times of crisis. We must learn from the experiences of Covid-19. When I am your School Board Director I will form a crisis management taskforce, develop a comprehensive plan with clear protocols, provide access to digital tools, establish effective communication channels, and conduct regular drills for improvement.

Recognizing the diverse needs of students and ensuring that appropriate support and accommodations are provided to all learners. Implementing strategies for differentiated instruction, personalized learning, and interventions to address individual student needs and promote inclusive education. Children learn differently and we must be open to new approaches to provide quality education to our students. 

Embracing technology as a tool to enhance teaching and learning experiences. Supporting the integration of educational technology, such as interactive learning platforms, digital resources, and online collaboration tools, to engage students, foster creativity, and develop critical 21st-century skills. Technology isn’t “The Future” it is the here and now. Technology is a gateway to successful careers both in skills and trades, as well the college route. We must be leaders of technology, innovation and continue our work to close the technology gap.

Ensuring equitable access to quality education for all students, regardless of their background, race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, or abilities. Addressing achievement gaps, mobility challenges, eliminating biases and discriminatory practices, and promoting diversity and inclusion throughout the education system. All children have the right to a quality education.

Recognizing the importance of early childhood education and investing in high-quality preschool programs that provide a strong foundation for lifelong learning. Early education puts our kids on the right path from day one.

Cultivating a culture of continuous improvement by regularly evaluating educational programs, soliciting feedback from stakeholders, and implementing evidence-based strategies to enhance teaching and learning outcomes. Embracing innovation, research, and best practices to stay at the forefront of educational excellence.


Community Building.

Foster transparent and open lines of communication with the community by actively seeking input, sharing information about decisions and policies, and providing opportunities for dialogue and engagement. Utilize various channels such as community meetings, newsletters, social media, and online platforms to effectively communicate with stakeholders.

Actively listen to community concerns and address them promptly and effectively. Create a mechanism for community members to report issues, provide feedback, and seek assistance. Work diligently to resolve problems and find innovative solutions that align with community expectations.

Involve community members, parents, teachers, and other stakeholders in the decision-making process. Seek their input, consider diverse perspectives, and make collaborative decisions that reflect the needs and aspirations of the community. Establish committees or advisory groups to encourage active participation and engagement. Maintain ongoing engagement with the community, not just during specific events or periods. Build lasting relationships by staying connected, seeking feedback regularly, and being responsive to the evolving needs and aspirations of the community. Ensure that community engagement is an integral part of the school board's ongoing work.

Create avenues for meaningful parent and family involvement in the educational process. Support parent participation in school activities, parent-teacher organizations, committees and foster strong relationships with community organizations that represent parents who can not directly get involved on the day-to-day basis. Provide resources and support for parents to engage in their child's education, including workshops, parent education programs, and regular communication channels. When seeking feedback provide parents with ample time to respond. 

Build and strengthen partnerships with the State of Colorado, the City and County of Denver, local businesses, and other organizations, non-profits, and higher education institutions. Build initiatives such as mentorship programs, internships, career days, and community service projects to enhance students' educational experiences and provide real-world connections.

Recognizing the diverse needs of students and ensuring that appropriate support and accommodations are provided to all learners. Implementing strategies for differentiated instruction, personalized learning, and interventions to address individual student needs and promote inclusive education. Children learn differently and we must be open to new approaches to provide quality education to our students. 

Encourage and support opportunities for students to engage in community service projects, volunteer work, and civic activities. Foster a sense of social responsibility and active citizenship among students, helping them develop a strong connection to their community and a desire to contribute positively. Community service is a rewarding win-win and builds leaders.

Conduct outreach initiatives to educate the community about the goals, achievements, and challenges of the education system. Organize public forums, workshops, and presentations to promote understanding of educational policies, curriculum changes, and initiatives. Engage in proactive and transparent communication to address community concerns and build trust.

Consider community needs when planning and utilizing school facilities. Explore opportunities to share resources, such as libraries, sports facilities, and technology, with community organizations and residents. Develop partnerships that provide mutual benefits and strengthen the bond between the school and the community.


Effective Governance.

DPS is the largest school district serving nearly 90,000 students. The district must be able to look to the board for effective servant leadership. It is critical that board members lead with integrity, professionalism, humility, dignity, diplomacy, respect and sound judgment. Our School board should be representing the diverse needs of our district and that should include leadership by example. 

Develop a clear vision for the district's educational goals and articulate them to the community. Working with all stakeholders to establish strategic goals that align with the district's mission and values, providing a roadmap for decision-making and resource allocation. Good organizations start with good leaders.

Foster a culture of transparency and accountability by ensuring that board members adhere to ethical standards, act in the best interest of students and the community, and maintain open lines of communication. Provide regular updates to the community on board decisions, financial matters, and district performance.

Develop and review policies that guide district operations, curriculum, student welfare, and personnel management. Ensure policies are aligned with local, state, and federal laws and regulations, and regularly assess their effectiveness. Monitor policy implementation and make necessary adjustments as needed.

Conduct well-organized board meetings that provide ample opportunities for discussion, collaboration, and decision-making. Set clear agendas, follow parliamentary procedures, and encourage respectful dialogue among board members. Welcome public input and ensure community members have the opportunity to address the board. Board members must be respectful, professional, and work collectively and effectively.

Provide responsible financial stewardship by making hard decisions that allow resources to be effectively and efficiently used. Regularly review financial reports, audit findings, and long-term financial plans. Ensure financial decisions are transparent, aligned with district priorities, local community needs, and support student achievement.

Establish evaluation systems for district leadership, administrators, and board members to ensure accountability and continuous improvement. Regularly review and assess district performance, board effectiveness, and progress toward strategic goals. Use data-driven insights to inform decision-making.

Invest in board member development and training opportunities to enhance knowledge and skills in areas such as education policy, legal compliance, effective governance, and strategic planning. Stay informed about emerging trends, best practices, and research in education leadership.

Advocate for the district's interests and needs at the local, state, and national levels. Collaborate with other school boards (both inside and outside our State), educational organizations, and community partners to leverage collective influence and resources for the benefit of students and public education.

may 25, 2023

Official Campaign Announcement

We will formally announce Paul for DPS campaign.  Come and join us in the fight to create positive changes to our schools in Denver.

bring back common sense and accountability

Contribute & Help Transforming DPS

By supporting Paul’s campaign, you are contributing to a candidate who is committed to ensuring the safety of our schools, fostering educational excellence, promoting community engagement, and implementing effective governance practices. Your donation will help Paul amplify his message, reach more voters, and implement the necessary changes to create a better educational environment for our students. Together, we can empower Paul to make a lasting and positive impact on our schools and provide our students with the opportunities they deserve.